If you already know what you want and are looking for a simple price estimate, the Free Initial Price Estimate is right for you. We come to your property, measure, take photos, learn the options you want and then have a discussion that takes you through the advantages of the materials and options you are considering and then we provide a simple top view mockup for decks and example pictures for fences with a price estimate for the time, permits, materials and add-ons.
The whole process is designed to make a fast and simple comparison between our estimate and other companies you are considering. Call 703-737-0710, Email Info@loudoundeckandfence.com, or Fill out the form here to get scheduled.
If you are having a hard time figuring out exactly what you want, or just need someone with experience to answer your questions and not pressure you into buying something, you may want to consider our no-risk Custom Deck Design Consultation.